[ color ]
Bringing color theory to life in design.

A color palette is a collection of colors used in a design or brand identity. The colors in a palette work together to create a cohesive look and feel that evokes specific emotions and feelings. The choice of colors in a palette can significantly impact how a brand is perceived by its audience. For example, a palette featuring muted tones of blue and green can create a sense of calmness, reliability, and trustworthiness, while a palette featuring bright and bold colors can create a sense of excitement and energy.

When choosing a color palette, it is important to consider how the colors will reflect the brand's personality and values. A well-chosen color palette can help create a strong brand identity and connect with the target audience on an emotional level. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider the emotions and feelings that the color palette evokes to ensure it aligns with the brand's goals and values.

The goal of this project was to create a cycling set design under one primary sponsor. Each element needed to be unique but also match the overall aesthetic of the set. This cycling set incorporates the iconic colors of the MTV logo and nods to the network's 80s origins, resulting in a display of color harmony. The set's dynamic energy is accentuated by using the three primary colors, which create a vivid and captivating visual experience. Additionally, the push and pull patterning plays with contrasts, elevating the impact of the colors even further.

cycling team bike
cycling team shoe
cycling team helmet
cycling team waterbottle
cycling team vest
cycling team body suit

Lakshmi is an illustration of a satyr character I created for a
Dungeons & Dragons game. She is a charming rogue and a bard that lost her eye in the Fey wild and has a penchant for leaving jilted fiances in her wake. By restricting the color palette to purple and gold, the illustration achieves a striking contrast that makes the character pop.

The bold combination not only adds depth and richness to the design but also adds an air of sophistication and regality to the character's appearance.

Lakshmi jewelry illustration
Lakshmi, a satyr women, illustration

The magazine spread was inspired by the chaotic design style of David Carson. It utilizes color to capture the thrilling and potentially hazardous nature of surfing. The chaotic text, paired with the moody grey-blue and intense red hues, creates a stormy atmosphere that accentuates the adrenaline rush of the sport.

The cloudy blue background contrasts the rigid, red lines that slash across the page, evoking a sense of danger and excitement. Altogether, the use of color in this design elevates the impact of the message and immerses the reader in the exhilarating world of surfing.

Reef break magazine spreadReef break magazine spread
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