[ UX/UI ]
Designing seamless experiences for the digital world

. . . . . [CROW DEN CASE STUDY] . . . . .


The challenge was to design an app that not only inspires artists to develop their skills and practice consistently but also keeps them engaged and motivated without becoming tedious or overwhelming.

It was crucial to establish an inviting and uplifting atmosphere among users, devoid of any form of bullying or negativity.


To motivate users to draw on a daily basis, the crow den employs a highly effective reward system that awards virtual "stickers" or "creatures" every time a user completes a drawing.

This strategy ensures that artists are incentivized to consistently practice and develop their skills, while also providing a fun and engaging way to track their progress.


The logo design features a gem shape with sketch-like outlines,  capturing the practice that goes into creating art.

The color palette is deliberately selected to imbue the app with a vibrant and dynamic energy, reflecting the desired environment of creativity and positivity that we hope to foster among our users.

crow den logocrow den color palette dice

The design persona serves as a reflection of the app's identity as a whole, encapsulating its objectives, user community, and overall energy. By embodying the essence of the app in a tangible and relatable form, the design persona allows effective communication to maintain the app's unique character and spirit.

user persona

The user persona provides an in-depth understanding of the target audience who use The Crowden, by illuminating their fears, desires, and thought processes, as well as their typical behaviors and communication patterns. This analysis enables the design of the app to cater to the specific needs and preferences of users, leading to a more fulfilling and engaging user experience.

empathy map
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